The Witches' Runes: 13 Magical Symbols for Divination
What are the Witches' runes and where did they come from?
The Witches' runes, or witch stones, are a folk method of divination that has evolved over time with no fixed literature on how to define or read them. The most ubiquitous set of Witches' runes at present derive from the work of Susan Sheppard who write about them in 1998. However, back in the 1960s, fellow witch Dana Corby published an article about them, although her set used entirely different symbols to Susan Sheppard's. Perhaps, both women, as practicing witches, drew from the rich well of universal knowledge to create a set of rune stones by witches, for witches.
They may not be ancient, but they use ancient symbolism that transcends language, time and borders to create a divination method that speaks with simplicity to the psyche. The elegance and accessibility of this system of reading is what makes it special. You can make your Witches' runes easily using found materials, and you can perform readings that encourage your intuition and don't require years of study before you start using them. they are for everyone.
As this system of reading evolves, I have come to offer up my own interpretation of the symbols. I go into depth about these in my book, The Witches' Runes, available here. Take a brief look at the meanings of each of the thirteen symbols to gain an introduction into the iconography of each glyph.
Meanings of the Witches' Runes
1. Sun
Joy, creativity and pleasure. The Sun radiates warmth and light, bringing good health and vitality to all that its rays touch. New beginnings may be dawning, and positive momentum is on your side. As the Sun brings new growth to the earth, it can indicate that you will see growth and expansion in your life.
2. Moon
New phases and transitions; the Moon constantly cycles through phases always keeping half of its face hidden. It may be time to advance to a new stage of your life so that you don't become stagnant. Change is necessary at times. Illusion could be implied; things are not always what they appear to be.
3. Flight
Travel and journeys, both literal and spiritual. Freedom to take the path that calls to you. Swift movement that is free from obstacles. Communication and messages received. Having a spiritual awakening or a transcendent experience that expands the consciousness to higher planes.
4. Rings
Creativity, connection and community. Forging new partnerships and relationships that are mutually beneficial. The synergy of working with others with unique skills in order to create something greater than the sum of the parts. Combining complementary elements in a harmonious way.
5. Romance
Relationships, love and friendship. The Romance rune can be symbolic of the deeply spiritual connection that consumes body, mind and soul. It is suggestive of a bond that is everlasting, with its three points possibly signifying the eternal cycle of 'life, death and rebirth'. Sexual relationships and fertility are also implied by the Romance rune.
6. Woman
The female principle, 'yin' energy of receptivity, reflectiveness and passivity. Motherhood or mother figures are suggested, as is fertility. Compassionate and nurturing with a desire to heal others. It can also represent Goddess energy.
7. Man
The masculine principle, 'yang' energy of action, decisiveness and power. Fatherhood or father figures are suggested, as is planting the seed of your intention. Defending your principles, territory or vulnerable people. It can also represent God energy.
8. Harvest:
Abundance, prosperity and wealth. Reaping the benefits of your efforts and enjoying the profit of your labour. A need to make shrewd decisions about how to invest your time and energy for maximum efficiency. This may be a duty to observe seasons and cycles, being realistic about what can be achieved with the resources available to you.
9. Crossroads:
Choices, both literal and figurative. You have reached a point where you can no longer juggle conflicting energy, you must choose a path to carry on with. You may be faced with an ultimatum and are forced to make a difficult decision. A life choice that will bring about change, taking you in a different direction to your current circumstances. Events that change the trajectory of your life path.
10. Waves:
Action and movement and purity. Waves are the ripples that disrupt the calm surface of the water. They can be volatile enough to sink ships, or they can lap gently at the shore. Waves are born of the water and symbolise the fickle, dual nature of that fluid element suggesting that the energy around you is as temperamental as the sea itself.
11. Star:
A beacon of hope and emblem of success; go after what you desire most as the stars will be aligning to assist you on your path. You're heading in the right direction so keep going. Set a good example to others by living your life as authentically as possible. Achieving your dreams, wishes coming true.
12. Scythe:
The Scythe is a universal symbol of death; it is the blade that separates the wheat from the stalk, the talisman of the grim reaper. It is normal to fear death, but often it is fear of the unknown that truly terrifies us rather than death itself. The scythe can represent the end of a cycle, sudden changes or completion.
13. Eye:
The Eye represents clear sight; it is the sudden clarity that that allows us to see the truth of the matter. It is the lifting of the veil that allows us to access our intuition to see beyond the mundane. The eye reveals life's mysteries; consciousness is expanding as fresh knowledge and wisdom come to light.
The more you read with the Witches' runes, the more meaning you can apply to the stones yourself. Give yourself permission to be playful and expressive as you connect the dots of the narrative that the cast of the stones lays out before you.
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